
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Confidence can really make a huge difference.

Having confidence can really make a huge difference.

Those who have great confidence get more done, because they
believe in themselves... and they believe in their ability.

They know they're going to say the right thing and do the right thing...
and if by chance they slip up... they know they can overcome any setback.

That's confidence.

And now you can have the same level of confidence as the most confident
person you know.

The only reason why you don't have the confidence you want is
because you focus on the wrong things.

Over the years I've been able to study and work with some of the most
confident people and some of the not so confident.

I've discovered that those who are confident just seem to think differently.
They see things differently and they focus on different things.

Confident people focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses or limitations.

They work on those weaknesses and limitations so that they don't have an
impact on their life. But they focus on their strengths. They think of how and why
they can do something.

In social settings they'll focus on saying and doing the right things.
They'll talk about what they know - not what they don't know.

They believe that they can be comfortable in just about any situation.
And the reason they believe this is because they have a thought process
that allows them to exude confidence all the time.

Now you can have that same level of confidence.

First start by focusing on your strengths, not your weaknesses.
Then focus on your positive qualities, think of all the reasons why you can
do something and why people should trust you and like you.

Improve in the areas where you feel you have limitations and work on
being better at those things you're not so good at.

Change the way you see yourself and the way you see others.
Be positive and focus on why you can.

Feed your mind and subconscious mind positive statements that will
help you increase your confidence and self-esteem.

I've created a powerful program that will fill your mind with positive statements and
affirmations that will help you succeed. And the best part is you can simply
hit the play button, go about your day and let the program do the work for you.
As you work with this powerful program you'll increase your confidence,
change the way you see yourself, and begin to believe that you can and will be
comfortable in just about any situation. You'll have the confidence that
you've always desired - visit:


Focus on your strengths.
Focus on your positive qualities - I suggest you put a list together and
read it every day.
Change the way you see yourself - you're capable of doing anything you want.
Increasing your confidence is something you can do quickly and easily.
Think about how you can make a difference and focus on saying and
doing the right things in all situations.
Feed your mind and subconscious mind the positive statements to help you
succeed and keep playing those statements in your head everyday - visit:

Start today...
Right now start thinking about all your positive qualities.
Think about what a wonderful person you are... walk with that
bounce in your step...
Believe in yourself and believe in your abilities... you are a powerful
human being capable of achieving magnificent things...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Know Why a Multi Millionaire borrow $5000? Keeping a $750,000 Ferrari as a security!

An Indian man walks into the New York City bank and asks for the loan officer.

He... tells the Loan Officer that he was going to India for some business for 2 weeks and needs to borrow $5,000.

The Loan Officer tells him that the bank will need
Some form of security for the loan.

So the Indian man hands over the keys and the documents of the new Ferrari car parked on the street in front of the bank.

The loan officer consults the president of the bank,
Produces all the required items and everything check out to be OK.

The loan officer agrees to accept the car as a security for the loan.

The bank president and the Loan Officer had a good laugh at the Indian
For keeping a $750,000 Ferrari as a security and taking only $5,000 has a loan.

An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari
Into the banks underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later the Indian returns and pays $5000 and the interest which comes to it $15.41.

Seeing this, loan officer says,

“Sir, we are very happy to have your business
And this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled.
While you are away, we checked you out and
Found out that you were a multi millionaire.

What puzzled us was why would you bother to borrow $5000?”

The Indian replies
"Where else in the New York City can I park my car for 2 weeks and
For only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return".
This is a true incident

Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting rich a priority in your life

Are you ready to make getting rich a priority in your life?

The truth is, unless your last name is Rockefeller or Hilton, getting rich doesn't happen overnight.
It takes dedication and hard work.

But, it's also amazingly simple.

Getting rich doesn't have to involve spending decades in the trenches of Wall Street...
or getting a law degree... or becoming a world-renowned brain surgeon...

All it requires is commitment.

And it's easier then you think...

In this free report, we'll show you exactly what to do to start increasing your wealth TODAY.

If you're ready to take the first step towards becoming a multi-millionaire, this FREE Action Plan
is exactly what you need.

This report is full of specific, actionable strategies you can put into place today to start
building a multimillion dollar nest egg.

In this report you'll discover:

  • The one simple change you can implement today to instantly begin boosting your earning potential
  • Why starting a side-business doing something you love is one of the fastest ways to build wealth
  • Exactly how to allocate your investments in order to maximize returns and minimize risk
  • Why some of the country's richest people rely on securitized loans to rapidly grow their wealth - with practically zero risk
  • How to take advantage of the housing crisis and identify real estate opportunities that could generate millions in the coming years
  • Why you're best served to "invest in what you know" rather than listening to some broker who's only looking out for himself
  • And much more!

Get this report now to find out the exact steps self-made multi-millionaire Michael Masterson
took to go from house painter to entrepreneur.

But, please be warned. If you don't want to put in the time and effort to get rich, this won't help you.

This is for people who want the freedom that only true wealth can provide... and who are committed to working for it.

If you want to know how to find new money-making avenues... how to invest your money for
maximum potential gains and how to secure the life you always wanted... download this report now.

You can download this free report immediately by clicking here.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Say goodbye to all those bad memories, past relationships, and negative thoughts

Its time to let go... say goodbye to all those bad memories, past
relationships, and negative thoughts that hold you back or prevent you
from achieving tremendous success

Today I'm going to show you how to do that quickly and easily.

Many of us hang on to things that at some point have hurt
us, angered us, made us feel sad, or depressed us...

We don't want to hang on to them...
but we just keep thinking about them.

These feelings and emotions will eventually
cripple you and destroy your chance for success...
because by hanging on to them you can't
move forward, grow and achieve wonderful things.

And it gets worse, because by hanging on to the past you destroy
your bodies, your life and your future.

Sure it's easy to say: "Just let go, move forward, forget about
it, just let go." Let's face it, that's easier said than done.


Because your mind is probably filled with unpleasant or negative
situations some of which go back years or even all the way back to childhood.

Other negative experiences may have happened yesterday or 6 months ago.
Something someone did may have angered you, caused you to build up
resentment, seek revenge, etc.

When you hold on to these negative experiences you block our ability to move f
orward and you can't heal.

How many pleasant memories do you recall everyday?

Chances are you don't recall all the good things that happen.

And like many people you have a number of unpleasant experiences
that you're holding on to, and they cripple your chance for success.

These negative experiences can be anything from a
traumatic event that took place during your childhood
to a fight you had with a friend and because of that
disagreement you no longer speak to each other.

These are the kinds of things many people carry.
The more negative experiences you carry the worse life gets,
it's that simple.

Think of it this way; you're on a hiking trip and along
the way you keep picking up heavy objects, things that
really don't serve you but you want to hang on to.

After a while these objects begin to weigh on you,
they slow you down and unless you get rid of them
you'll never get to where you want to go.

You can begin to let go by simply getting your mind
to focus on something different.

It's not about saying: I let go of the pain from my fight with ---- and move on.

That will help but if you really want to start moving on then you
have to get your mind to focus on new things, then you'll
automatically let go of the negative events and situations that
have been slowing you down.

Start focusing on what you want to happen.
Let go of the past and negative situations by getting
your mind to focus on different things.
Direct your subconscious mind to help you let go by giving it new
instructions. Start letting go today - visit:

Hanging on to bad memories can kill you.
Because they actually destroy your nervous system and
alter your cells.

Scientists have found that if you hold on to negative feelings
and sad emotions or depressing memories there's a
chance that you could reshape the human cell to the point
where your thoughts of the past have a negative impact on
your cells and your physical health.

Hanging on to negative events can destroy your life in ways
you're not even aware of.
Sure there have been negative things that have happened,
I'm not asking you to ignore them, acknowledge them
because they did happen.

But ask yourself these questions:
Do they serve you any purpose?
Do they help you move forward?
Do they work in your favor in any way?

If you said no to any or all of the above questions then tell yourself:
This emotion/feeling doesn't help me so I'm letting it go and
focusing on what is important.

Then begin focusing on what you want next; focus on what is
important and what can improve your life. This will get your mind
moving in a new direction.

When you begin focusing on more positive things and focus on what
you want you begin shifting that energy and start attracting
positive situations to help you create the life you want.

Your success will depend on how you train your mind and
subconscious mind to focus on what you want.

Start moving forward by choosing to let go of unwanted and negative situations or
events that you remember.
Start moving in a new direction by focusing on what you want.
Begin taking steps to create the life that you want.
Shift your energy and get your subconscious mind to help you
attract positive situations. Visit:

You can eliminate the negative thinking.
You can let go and move forward.
You are a powerful human being.
You can overcome any setback - once you direct
your mind and subconscious mind
to manifest the success you want - start today - visit:

Here's to your success!

Karim Hajee
Creating Power
PS: Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
Make the most of it. Stop defeating yourself, stop limiting yourself.
Create all the success you want and deserve in life.
Start Living Now. Visit:


Plug In The Winning Mindset, Eliminate Fear And Anxiety,
And Tap Into Your Endless Flow Of Spiritual Abundance In Just Minutes. Finally,
there's a sure-fire way to achieve your goals,
overcome difficulties and start living the life you want.
It's based on a combination of established,
time tested results and the latest study of the mind. Free 30-day Trial - visit:


Follow Me On Twitter
I'm sending positive messages and positive vibes through
twitter to help you stay motivated, focused and attract
great things into your life - so follow me on twitter and
get your positive and motivating tweets


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Better Health? Happiness? Know what makes you happy & Wealthy

You can have massive abundance in your life,
quickly and easily.

I'm not talking about making a few more
dollars or getting a few things that you need.

I'm talking about massive abundance
in every area of your life.

Yes you can have massive abundance, and today
I'll show you exactly how to create massive abundance
in every area of your life.

Read on and enjoy!

Manifesting Abundance

To manifest abundance you have to know what you want and
have a very clear idea of what you want.

Then think of having an abundant supply of what you want.

Don't wish to have it.

Don't try to have a little bit more.

Instead, regularly think and believe that you
have an abundant supply of what ever it is that you want.

Can you see yourself having a never ending supply of wealth?
Better Health?

Before you can have abundance you first have
to believe that you can have a never
ending supply of what ever it is that you want.

Think about it!

There really is a never ending supply of all that you want.

There's enough naturally grown food to feed the
world ten times over, even though millions starve each year.
There is still enough for everyone and more.

If you know what you want and believe that you
can have an abundance of what you want... then you're
on your way to creating abundance.

Your next step is to get your mind to
accept that you can have an abundant supply of what you want.

Then you instruct your subconscious mind to
manifest an abundance of what you want
by constantly focusing on having an
abundant supply of what you want.

Here's an example: Suppose you want an abundant supply of wealth.
Start by regularly think about having an abundant supply of wealth.

Then think of how you can have an abundance of wealth.

At first you may not come up with an answer.
But after working with the exercise you'll begin to
come up with an idea or two, then more and before you
know it the floodgates will open.

The more you think about it and the more you work with the
exercise the more answers you will get and
then you'll start to get a clear direction.
You'll begin to manifest abundance quickly as you work with
the exercises.

By regularly thinking and focusing on manifesting
abundance you instruct your subconscious mind
to create the opportunities for you to manifest abundance.

Get your mind focused on manifesting abundance
and then begin directing your subconscious mind
to create the opportunities for you
to manifest abundance. Get started today - visit:

Take a look at nature, there's abundance everywhere.
The trees, the grass, the leaves on the trees,
the air you breathe; there truly is abundance all around you.
Focus on abundance and you train your mind and
subconscious mind to manifest abundance everyday.
Start manifesting abundance in your life today. - Visit: