
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our life, our success, our happiness everything depends on our Energy

It's all about energy. Our life, our success, our happiness... everything is all about energy.

We're all made of energy... tiny molecules vibrating at a certain frequency... this
vibrating energy makes up our existence.

Everything is made of energy... and it's that same energy that we constantly
direct that attracts everything into our life.

Now there are different kinds of energy... or different levels... and that's what makes
everything so interesting.

Positive energy attracts positive situation.

Negative energy attracts negative situations.

Positive energy repels negative situations.

And negative energy repels positive situations.

If you're negative you'll attract more negative people, and more negative situations.
You'll also push away positive people and positive situations.

If you're positive you'll attract positive people and positive situations.
You'll also push away negative people and negative situations.

So if you're not getting what you want - then you're likely not sending out the right energy.

You see other people pick up on your energy vibrations on a subconscious level.
They don't really know it - they just get a sense about you - a feeling or a vibe
about you. They don't consciously say:
"This is someone positive, lets get to know him or her."

It all happens on a subconscious level.

But it starts in the conscious mind.
Your thoughts and beliefs shape your energy level... they create that vibrating energy.

Your thoughts and beliefs are sent to your subconscious mind which radiates
your energy level (the very energy that others pick up on).

Positive thoughts and positive beliefs create positive energy.

Those with positive energy attract positive situations, good things happen to them,
they meet terrific people and enjoy life.
As they continue doing this they naturally become more optimistic.
They take positive actions, and they continue to attract more and more positive
situations, people and events into their lives.

If your filled with negative thoughts, self-doubt, worry, uncertainty, and if you
generally feel that things will never work out or get better then you're sending out
the energy that will only attract more of what you don't want... or more worry,
self-doubt, and uncertainty... all of which will only cause you to feel that
things will never work out.

It's a viscous cycle and if it isn't broken will only lead to more and more negative situations.

So how do you change your energy?
How do you create positive energy so that you enjoy positive situations?

Think about what you want and then write down your immediate thoughts and beliefs.
See if they're positive or negative.
If there's any self doubt, or any negative thought - then you probably have a negative
belief tied to the thought.

Both need to be changed ASAP.

Then track your thoughts throughout the week.
Are they generally negative or positive.
Change as many negative thoughts as you can.

You won't be able to change all of them, just change as many as you can.

You should also track what you say to people in every day conversations.

You might be surprised at what you discover.

If you find yourself saying negative things - change those words.

This is part of the process.

To change your energy sends a new message to your subconscious mind.
Create positive thoughts and positive beliefs.
Begin developing positive energy.
Attract positive people and positive situations - visit:

Changing your energy can be done.
It's a lot easier than you think.
You have the power to shift your energy and attract the people,
situations and circumstances that will catapult you to success.

The more positive and optimistic you are the sooner you'll create positive energy.
Believe in yourself.
Believe in your ability.
You can do anything you want.
Don't let negative thinking hold you back.
Don't let those negative thoughts destroy your success.
Change the negative beliefs and create more positive situations in life - visit:

You are a powerful human being.
You have tremendous power - the power to create the life you want.
Direct that power and the energy you have so that you enjoy your life.
Begin today.
You can achieve anything you want.
Send out the right energy and you'll enjoy the life you want and more.
Stay focused.
Remember - you can change your energy and attract all that you want.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Did you get all those things that you said you would when the year started?

Did you get all those things that you said you would when the year started?

You know, those resolutions you swore you would keep this year?

The only reason you're not getting things done or not achieving those
goals you set out to achieve is because your mind and subconscious mind
are not programmed to get things done.

Instead, they're likely programmed to put things off, stall or procrastinate,
until you no longer have to do them or come up with some excuse that
seems valid to avoid finishing what you started or following up on your goals.

Many times you'll talk yourself out of doing something.
The most common excuse or valid reason is time... "I just didn't have the time."

The time excuse is right up there with: "I'll do it later..."
But later never comes... and what you promised you'd do later never gets done.

Later comes and goes pretty quickly if you're not paying attention and later
usually turns into never.

Now you can stop this process and start getting things done quickly and easily.

Simply re-program your mind and subconscious mind.

Get it to focus on what you want so that you do what you need to do
quickly, easily and on time.

Of course, that also means that you stop saying "I'll do it later... "
and it also means that you stop telling yourself that you don't have the time.

Instead, tell yourself that you'll do it now and that you're finding the time to get
things done quickly and easily.

As you do this your mind and subconscious mind will put up some resistance, argue
with you and get you to give up.

Don't listen. Just forge ahead.
Focus on what you want.
Think of how accomplishing what you want will help you improve your life.
Set your goal and continue until you accomplish it.
Stop procrastinating and stop putting things off.
Re-program your mind and subconscious mind so that you get more done in less time - visit:

When you shift your focus and when you send your subconscious mind a new
set of instructions you begin to attract the people, situations and opportunities to
help you achieve your goal.

If you've been procrastinating or putting things off then you need to send your
subconscious mind a new set of instructions so that you begin to get things done

The Power Affirmations program to Stop Procrastinating re-trains your mind
and gives your subconscious mind a new set of instructions... so that you get
motivated and begin to get more done, quickly and easily.

There's no homework.
No Exercises.
Just play the program, sit back, relax and let the changes take place.
Get started now - visit:

Stop procrastinating now.
Get more done in less time.
Start living the life you want now and make this your best year ever.

You are a powerful human being and you can achieve all your goals.
You can live the live you want.
You can have the success you want.
Stop Procrastinating now.

Wishing tremendous joy and success...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

You're born to succeed

You are meant to succeed; in fact you're born to succeed.

But along the way there will be failures because you
simply can't have success without failure.

I know it may sound crazy, or a little absurd,
but the truth is that you can't be successful
without having a few failures along the way.

Without failure you wouldn't know what success is.

You need that reference point.

Sort of like hot and cold, you know when water is hot because
you've touched water when it is cold.

And you can't have success without failure.

But when you fail you have to learn from that failure
and then move forward.

Thomas Edison failed over 1,000 times before
he finally found the right combination of elements
to make a light bulb work.

He learned from his failures.
He used his failures as a benchmark, and avoided repeating them.
He improved on his failures.

Too many people give up just when their on the verge of success.


Because that's what you're used to doing.
That's what your mind and subconscious mind are used to doing.
That's their method of living, when it gets tough,
you give up and start again.
Always hoping that success will come but you
make the same mistakes because their subconscious
is programmed for failure.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Learn from your failures.
Consider a failure or setback a stepping stone to success.
Look for opportunities in every failure or setback.

Re-program your mind and subconscious mind so that you
are tuned to success.
Begin attracting success, be a magnet for success.
Get your mind and subconscious mind focused on attracting
and creating success so you enjoy life - now - visit:

Every setback or failure contains an opportunity
for you to learn, improve and grow. It's a sign
that you're making progress but you have to make
some adjustment in order to experience tremendous success.

If you don't learn, grow or discover the opportunity
in the setback or failure, then you become
stagnant and discouraged.

Examine every failure or setback, step by step and you'll
discover the opportunity, you'll learn something new and you'll
grow that's what will allow you to enjoy success.

So why don't you see these opportunities?

Because you're conditioned to focus only on what is wrong.

Your mind and subconscious mind are used to focusing
only on the failure and not learning from the mistakes.

Your mind and subconscious mind are powerful tools,
incredible allies that can catapult you to success or
doom you to failure.

It all depends on how you direct them and what you focus on.

Unfortunately nobody ever taught you how to think and succeed.
Nobody ever taught you how to instruct the awesome power of your
subconscious mind.
Now there is a way.
Now you can create the success you want.
Now you can instruct your subconscious mind to help
you achieve your goals and create the life you want - visit:

You can turn failure into success.
You can live your dreams.
You can attract success.
You can manifest abundance.
You are a powerful human being
and you can live the life you want - start today - visit:

To your success!