
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to Instructing Your Subconscious Mind Part II

Most people don't control their mind; they don't instruct their subconscious mind
because they don't control their thoughts.

Most people are not even aware of the thoughts they have everyday,
and they don't choose their beliefs.

Instead you mind constantly sends the wrong messages
or wrong instructions to your subconscious mind.

And that's how you end up creating the life you don't want.

You want to be successful and happy, so do you have thoughts
and beliefs that reflect success and happiness.

You don't actively choose your thoughts.
Instead you leave your mind on autopilot, accepting whatever
thoughts it conjures up and then you begin to believe these thoughts.

You don't choose your beliefs; you merely accept what your mind
and what other people tell you.

You may want to be successful and happy.
You may do everything you can to be successful and happy.
But if you're not enjoying the success and happiness you want
then take a moment to analyze your thoughts and beliefs.

You'll find that what you think is the exact opposite
of what you want to achieve.

Sure you want to be successful but you really don't have
any thoughts or beliefs that suggest you can be successful.

Whatever you want to achieve you can if you have a
belief system that allows you to succeed.

If you want to make more money you have to have a belief
system that says you believe you can make more money.

If you want to meet the right person you have to
believe that you can meet the right person.

If you want to succeed at something you have to
believe that you can succeed at it.

So how do you create beliefs that correspond with what
you want to accomplish?

First think about what you want to achieve.

Then ask yourself if you really believe that
you can accomplish your goal.

If you don't believe you can there's work to do
and you're going to have to change your belief
system so that it allows you to succeed.

To change your belief system you have to analyze
your thoughts.

List all the thoughts and beliefs that you have about
achieving that goal.
For example: if you want to make more money but you're
not making the kind of money you want then list why
you don't think you can make more money.

Now change those thoughts to correspond with what you want.
These are your new thoughts, statements or affirmations
that you should think and recite through out the day.

Replace those limiting thoughts with these new thoughts.

If you want to achieve success and happiness then you
have to create thoughts and beliefs that will allow
you to achieve those goals.
Begin changing your thoughts.
Begin creating beliefs that work for you.
Eliminate the negative thoughts and beliefs.
Start creating the life you want today. Visit:

Think of your mind as a station that sends out
energy signals.

These energy signals are your thoughts and beliefs.

These energy patterns are picked up by your subconscious mind
which then goes out and creates the situations,
circumstances, and events to help you achieve what ever
your thoughts and beliefs are.

It also attracts the people to you and guides you to
the people that can help you achieve your goals.

The subconscious does not distinguish between what is
good and bad for you. It simply acts on your instructions.

Those instructions are your energy signals which
are your thoughts and beliefs.

So while you may want to achieve a certain goal,
if you don't believe that you can, if you regularly
think about why you can't do something instead
of why you can, then you are instructing your
subconscious to create situations for you so that
you don't achieve your goals.

This is why it is so important to eliminate negative
thinking and create a positive thinking pattern.

If you want to start achieving your goals and
live the life you want then you have to change your
thoughts and beliefs you have to send the right messages to your subconscious mind.
Start instructing your subconscious mind to help you
live the life you want today - visit:

You can achieve your goals.
You can live the life you want.
You can enjoy greater success and happiness.
You deserve to have all that you want.
Start enjoying a better, more fulfilling and rewarding life today!

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Florida, USA

Here's to your success!

Karim Hajee
Creating Power
PS: PS:Remember -- you only get one life and one chance.
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